Serveo en conversaciones para adquirir la división de servicios industriales de Dominion

Serveo Negocia Comprar La Division De Servicios Industriales De Dominion.jpg

Serveo in negotiations to acquire Dominion’s ⁣industrial⁤ services division

Serveo, a company specializing in infrastructure services ‍owned ⁣by Portobello and co-owned by Ferrovial, is in talks to acquire the industrial services ‌subsidiary of the ‍Basque company Dominion. Both companies have ‍been in discussions for several weeks in⁢ an effort to finalize a ⁤transaction that would allow the company led by Ignacio Mataix⁣ as president ​and Salvador Urquia⁢ as CEO to make ⁤a significant leap in industry services.⁣ Serveo and ​Dominion have declined to comment.

Dominion, a global Services and ⁣Projects‍ company that⁢ aims‍ to provide ​comprehensive solutions to maximize business process efficiency and sustainability, ‌operates in five areas: energy, telecommunications, infrastructure, home, and industry. It ⁣is the industry sector that has⁤ piqued ‌Serveo’s interest, as the company is in a phase of expansion through both ⁤organic and inorganic growth, backed by Portobello, which⁢ holds a 75.3%⁣ stake.

Serveo’s Expansion‌ Strategy ⁢through Acquisitions

Serveo already operates in the industrial sector with⁢ maintenance and automation services. Dominion’s industrial services business includes comprehensive operation and maintenance services, environmental​ services, refractory coatings, ⁢high structures, specialized ​industrial constructions, automation and⁤ flexible​ manufacturing, and logistics‌ and warehouse management.

Serveo is determined to continue‌ its growth strategy through acquisitions, having recently ​acquired Sacyr Facilities and the Basque company Jauregui. Serveo’s industrial services division, with a ⁤team of over 3,000 specialized engineers and technicians, provides‍ maintenance for industrial buildings and facilities, energy services,⁣ precision logistics, comprehensive maintenance, operation of data centers, and auxiliary services in over ⁤100​ factories throughout Spain. The company also undertakes automation, robotics, and⁤ industrial engineering projects in ⁤sectors such as⁢ automotive, ‌aeronautics, and agri-food industries.

Serveo is now seeking opportunities to expand its business after recent acquisitions, looking to widen its scope. The company has shown interest in acquiring Clece, ACS’s subsidiary, focusing on facility management and energy efficiency activities. Serveo’s strong financial‍ position, thanks to its growing cash generation, puts it‌ in a good position to pursue such opportunities.

La empresa Serveo ⁤busca adquirir la división de servicios ⁣industriales⁤ de Dominion

La empresa de servicios industriales Serveo está en ‍negociaciones para comprar la división de servicios ⁢industriales de la empresa Dominion. Serveo busca expandir su presencia en el mercado de servicios industriales y mejorar su⁢ oferta de productos y⁣ servicios para sus​ clientes.

Importancia de la‌ adquisición para Serveo

Esta adquisición sería un paso crucial para Serveo en su estrategia de crecimiento‌ y consolidación en ‍el sector de servicios industriales. Al unirse a Dominion, Serveo ⁢podría ampliar su cartera de servicios, ​diversificar sus operaciones y aumentar ⁢su presencia en el mercado global.

Impacto en​ el sector de servicios industriales

La adquisición de la división de servicios‍ industriales de Dominion por parte de Serveo podría cambiar el ⁤panorama competitivo del sector. Esta operación⁣ podría​ impulsar la innovación,​ la eficiencia y⁢ la ​calidad‍ de los servicios ofrecidos ‌en el mercado de servicios ⁢industriales. Además, podría generar nuevas oportunidades​ de colaboración y crecimiento para otras‌ empresas ‍del sector.

Serveo está en una posición estratégica para fortalecer‍ su posición en el mercado‌ de servicios industriales con esta adquisición. La empresa busca aprovechar al máximo esta oportunidad​ para expandir su alcance, mejorar su oferta de servicios y seguir siendo un líder en la industria.

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Juan M. Casillas

Amante de la comida picante. Viajar es mi hobby. Te acerco la economía de una forma sencilla y clara. Para cualquier duda, aquí me tiene.


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