¡Mujeres absueltas! Audiencia Nacional libera a acusadas por glorificar ETA

La Audiencia Nacional Deja En Libertad A Las Dos Mujeres.jpg

Liberty⁢ on parole for women​ accused of terrorism glorification​ and humiliation of ETA victims

Today, Judge Joaquín ⁢Gadea⁢ of the​ National Court has decided to release ​two women ⁤who were arrested by the Police on charges of ⁤terrorism ⁢glorification and humiliation of ETA victims. However, this ​freedom is not absolute, as they have been⁤ subjected to a series‌ of⁤ precautionary measures.

According to ‌consulted legal sources, ⁢both women will have to appear periodically ‌in ‌court and provide a ‍fixed ⁢address. These measures were imposed after a ‌complaint was filed by the Union of the Navarrese People (UPN) regarding the⁢ messages posted on social media ⁢by the accused, in which ⁣they allegedly expressed support for the⁢ now-defunct terrorist group, ETA.

It is important to highlight that despite ⁤the National Court Prosecutor’s request​ for ⁢unconditional release, the reinforcing judge of Instruction Court number 6, Joaquín Gadea, decided to establish these precautionary measures.

When ⁣appearing before the judge, both women invoked ‍their right to remain silent, as reported by the‍ same sources. This case once‌ again demonstrates ⁤the importance⁣ and impact that⁤ social media posts‌ can have, even when it comes to expressions of support for ⁣terrorist groups.

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Juan M. Casillas

Amante de la comida picante. Viajar es mi hobby. Te acerco la economía de una forma sencilla y clara. Para cualquier duda, aquí me tiene.


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