¡Montero plantea un nuevo impuesto a herencias de más de un millón de euros!

Sumar Plantea A Montero Crear Un Impuesto A Las Herencias.jpg

Neutral newspaper headline:

Sumar proposes new tax on ⁣inheritances over one million euros as condition for supporting 2025 Budgets. ⁤Coalition partners ​push for ambitious tax reform, including higher taxes on high ‍incomes‌ and large fortunes.

Coalition Proposals for Fiscal Reform

Sumar, ⁣a coalition partner, advocates for increased ‍taxation on high incomes and large‍ fortunes. This includes maintaining extra taxes‍ on banks‌ and energy companies, lowering the threshold for⁣ wealth tax to one million euros, raising the maximum IRPF rate for capital income,⁢ and reducing VAT ‌on ‌essential goods and services.

Focus ⁢on Inheritance ​Taxes

A key proposal from Sumar is ⁣the creation of a ‍new​ inheritance⁤ tax on estates exceeding one million euros (excluding primary residence). This is part of the ​coalition’s efforts to ‍address disparities in⁢ the tax system and prioritize fairness in fiscal‌ policies.

Other Fiscal Measures Proposed

In addition to⁤ inheritance taxes, Sumar suggests raising the ​maximum IRPF rate for capital income to 30% on‍ amounts ⁤over 150,000 euros. ⁤They also recommend modifying⁢ VAT rates, including⁣ reducing taxes on general consumption services and ⁢basic goods, while imposing taxes ⁣on certain entities ‌previously exempt from such obligations.

The coalition’s⁢ fiscal reform agenda extends to⁢ housing policies, advocating for stricter enforcement ‍of housing laws,​ restrictions on speculative purchases,‍ and ‍penalties for illegal tourist rentals. Furthermore,⁤ they propose reinstating a universal benefit of 200​ euros per dependent ‌child.

Overall, ⁤Sumar’s proposals aim​ to modernize Spain’s tax system, increase revenue from high-income individuals and⁢ large estates, and promote social and economic equity through progressive fiscal policies.Neutral newspaper headline: “Sumar ⁣suggests creating an inheritance tax for estates over one million euros”

The proposal from Sumar

Sumar ⁣has put forth a new idea that ⁢aims to​ create a tax on inheritances that exceed one million euros. This ​proposal is being presented to the Minister ⁣of Finance, Montero, as a​ possible solution to generate additional revenue for the government.

Implications of the proposed tax

If this tax on large inheritances were to be implemented, it ⁢could have significant implications for individuals who stand to inherit substantial assets. The ​aim of this tax would be to redistribute wealth and address economic inequality within society.

Response and criticism

The proposal has sparked a mixed reaction, with some praising‌ it as⁢ a progressive step towards a fairer tax ⁣system, ⁣while others criticize it as⁢ a burden on families looking to pass‍ on their‌ wealth to future⁢ generations. The debate surrounding this proposal ⁢is ongoing,‍ with various stakeholders expressing their opinions on the matter.

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Juan M. Casillas

Amante de la comida picante. Viajar es mi hobby. Te acerco la economía de una forma sencilla y clara. Para cualquier duda, aquí me tiene.


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