Global Omnium se adentra en el sector con su consultora GO2

Global Omnium Entra En El Sector Con Su Consultora Go2.jpg

Global‌ Omnium expands its⁣ GO2 division to Madrid, Seville, and ​Bilbao

Global​ Omnium’s specialized division in ‌environmental sustainability and ESG criteria, GO2, has evolved after working in sectors such as major events and sports. The firm has developed the⁣ strategic consulting strategy‌ for Emerita Resources’ IBW mining ⁤project.

The Spanish subsidiary of Emerita Resources has been ​studying and developing ‍mining projects focused on zinc,‍ copper,​ gold, and silver extraction. The‌ IBW project aims to obtain⁣ zinc in an area near the border of Portugal in the province of Huelva.

GO2 is ​supporting Emerita⁣ Resources​ in defining⁤ its ESG strategy, which includes responsible natural resource ⁢management, environmental impact reduction, local ⁣job creation, and community development.

The development phase

Juan Luis Pozo, Global Omnium’s Corporate Sustainability Director, highlighted the potential⁣ of ‌the ‍IBW project to ⁤become an international ​benchmark ⁢for sustainable mining. On the⁤ other ​hand, ​Joaquín Merino,‌ president of Emerita, emphasized the company’s⁣ commitment to sustainable and responsible development.

The collaboration‌ between Global Omnium, Emerita Resources, ⁢the Paymogo City Council, and local stakeholders⁣ underscores the potential ⁤of sustainable mining to have a positive⁣ impact on the environment, economy,‍ and society.

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Juan M. Casillas

Amante de la comida picante. Viajar es mi hobby. Te acerco la economía de una forma sencilla y clara. Para cualquier duda, aquí me tiene.


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